Monthly Archives: May 2020

Whale Season

Spring marks the beginning of whale season here in Alaska. The humpbacks and grey whales begin arriving from their long migrations north from their wintering grounds, and the north Pacific Ocean teems with life as the waters warm and phytoplankton blooms. Swarms of krill and other zooplankton feast on the abundant plant life, and fish such as herring, eulachon, and similar species follow the zooplankton into the bays on Kodiak Island. In turn, huge baleen whales, including fin, sei, and humpback, gather to eat the krill and small fish. I am thrilled any time I see a whale, but I think it’s a special treat to stand in my front yard and watch these magnificent creatures feed and blow.

Fin Whale

 Sea mammals evolved from land mammals, and they resemble us in many ways. Whales, like humans, have lungs and must breathe air to survive. They are warm-blooded, and they bear live young. Whales nurse their young with milk, and while you might not think of a whale having hair, all whales do have hair at some stage in their development. All members of the order Cetacea evolved 45 million years ago from hoofed mammals, such as cows, sheep, and camels. Comparisons of specific milk protein genes indicate the hippopotamus is the closest, living, land relative to whales.

The order Cetacea contains more than eighty species; although, taxonomists debate the precise number. Biologists have recorded thirty-nine cetacean species in the North American Pacific.

Cetacea comes from the Greek word “ketos,” which means “whale.” All cetaceans have forelimbs modified into flippers and no hind limbs. They have horizontally flattened tails, and they breathe through a nostril, or blowhole, located on the top of the head. A blowhole has a nasal plug that remains closed except when forced open by muscular contractions to breathe. This plug seals when the whale dives. A whale has internal sensory and reproductive organs to reduce drag while swimming, and they do not have external ears but instead have a complex internal system of air sinuses and bones to detect sounds.The lungs of a cetacean are relatively small, highly elastic, and elongated. A whale has a muscular diaphragm, allowing the animal to purge a large amount of air in a short time. With each respiration, a whale replaces 80% to 90% of the air in its lungs. During a deep dive, a cetacean slows its heart rate and decreases blood flow to peripheral tissues.


Cetaceans living in the cold ocean waters of the North Pacific must somehow maintain a body temperature nearly the same as a human’s body temperature. A whale uses several mechanisms to accomplish this feat. First, it has a thick layer of blubber with few blood vessels, reducing the heat loss at the body surface. A whale has a counter-current heat exchanger, with arteries surrounding veins at the periphery. Hence, vessels flowing from the cold periphery to the warm core partially absorb heat lost by vessels flowing from the core toward the surface. A cetacean also has a high metabolic rate to produce heat, and it has a low body surface to volume ratio, which conserves heat. Finally, a whale has a slower respiration rate than a land mammal, so the whale expels warm air less frequently.

Most cetaceans produce large calves, and the large body volume relative to surface area minimizes heat loss in the calf. Calves are born tail first, and as soon as the calf emerges from the birth canal, the mother or another whale nudges it to the surface for its first few breaths.[3] Cetacean mothers nurse their calves with a pair of teats concealed in slits along the body wall. The milk has a high-fat content, and the calves grow at a rapid rate. Whale mothers tend and guard their calves closely, and a calf often rides the bow wave or the convection currents produced by its mother or another adult when the whales travel. This method of travel is so efficient that the calf barely needs to move its flukes to keep up with the group.

Killer Whale (Orca)

Two suborders comprise the order Cetacea: The Mysticeti or baleen whales and the Odontoceti, or toothed whales. We most commonly see fin whales in Uyak Bay, but we also spot sei, humpback, minke, and killer whales. No matter the species, whenever I see a spout of water, excitement buzzes through me while I watch one of the largest animals on the planet.

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Robin Barefield is the author of four Alaska wilderness mystery novels, Big Game, Murder Over Kodiak, and The Fisherman’s Daughter, and Karluk Bones. Also, sign up below to subscribe to her free, monthly newsletter on true murder and mystery in Alaska, and listen to her podcast, Murder and Mystery in the Last Frontier.

Alaska Wilderness Mystery Novels by Author Robin Barefield: Big Game, Murder Over Kodiak, The Fisherman's Daughter, and Karluk Bones.
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Mammalian Diving Reflex

The mammalian diving reflex is a fantastic biological adaptation intrinsic not only to marine mammals but also to land mammals, including humans, whose ancestors once lived in the ocean. I am currently editing my wildlife book and was once again awed by how deep some marine mammals dive and how long they can stay below the surface without breathing. I think the mammalian diving reflex represents one of nature’s most incredible adjustments for air-breathing mammals required to find food in an inhospitable environment void of air.

What is the mammalian diving reflex? Biologists mostly have studied the reflex in harbor seals, so I will use a seal to explain the elements of the physiological changes. A harbor seal can dive as deep as 1640 ft. (500 m) and stay submerged for over twenty minutes. When it dives, a harbor seal’s heart rate slows from its normal rate between 75 to 120 beats per minute down to just four to six beats per minute. Blood shunts from peripheral tissues tolerant to low oxygen levels and flows to the heart, brain, and tissues dependent on a constant supply of oxygen to survive. These adaptations allow the seal to conserve oxygen while it dives and searches for food.

Seals utilize additional adaptations to conserve oxygen and withstand the rigors of increased pressure when they dive. Before a deep dive, seals exhale several times to collapse their lungs, and they then store their oxygen in blood and muscle tissues instead of in the lungs. Harbor seals have a proportionately higher blood volume than land mammals of the same size, and seals also possess ten times more myoglobin than humans. This oxygen-binding protein helps prevent muscle oxygen deficiency.

Researchers originally believed the diving reflex was an automatic response triggered by breath-holding and submergence in cool water. In recent studies, though, scientists attached a device similar to a Fitbit to harbor seals. The device records blood flow and oxygen levels in the seal’s brain, and the study produced some interesting results. Seals can control their diving reflex. Seals contract their peripheral blood vessels beginning 15 to 45 seconds before they dive, and they restore normal blood flow to their blubber several seconds before they reach the surface. When seals are feeding, they return to the surface to breathe but often don’t stay there long enough to restore normal oxygen levels. Researchers also learned that seals slow their heart rates more if they plan to stay underwater longer.

Biologists hope to learn if other animals, including humans, can also consciously control their dive reflex. The world’s top freedivers can descend to a depth of 426 ft. (130 meters) and return to the surface, and the record for breath-holding without moving tops 11 minutes. Are these free divers able to control the physiology of the diving reflex to accomplish these incredible feats?

The next time you see a harbor seal, pause for a moment to consider the rigors this animal must endure just to eat dinner.

I hope you are well and navigating our changed world. Life remains quiet here in the wilderness of Kodiak Island, and we feel oddly removed from the biological havoc wreaked by this virus. Even here, though, we have been touched by the economic disaster the world faces. I look forward to better times for all of us soon!  Take care.

Join the Battle of the Books contest, and you could win a $500 Amazon Gift Card! I am very excited to have my novel, Karluk Bones, included in this contest.

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Robin Barefield is the author of four Alaska wilderness mystery novels, Big Game, Murder Over Kodiak, and The Fisherman’s Daughter, and Karluk Bones. You are invited to watch her webinar about how she became an author and why she writes Alaska wilderness mysteries. Also, sign up below to subscribe to her free, monthly newsletter on true murder and mystery in Alaska, and listen to her podcast, Murder and Mystery in the Last Frontier.

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